This elegant blue floral Fox & Chave silk tie features a design from a 14th century French medieval Lady's Book of Hours, housed in the Canterbury Cathedral Library in Kent, England.

A Book of Hours is a Christian devotional book that was popular in the Middle Ages. It is a type of illuminated manuscript, often richly decorated with illustrations, and is usually designed for laypeople rather than clergy. 

The name is derived from the practice of recitation of the prayers, psalms, hymns, and readings within a book at the eight canonical hours of the day.

Books were often customised for the individual who commissioned them, including elements such as family coats of arms, favourite flowers, portraits of the owner, and prayers specific to their interests or local saints.

Canterbury Cathedral



A Fox & Chave silk tie looks best tied in a classic Windsor or half-Windsor knot and worn with a collar style of your choosing. Cutaway or spread collars offer the greatest opportunity to display the detail of your unique silk tie design.